Sunday 6 April 2008

The Climate Change Cabal

I always found the success of the banal Lord of the Rings trilogy baffling, even more so that its success was not confined to an audience of particularly stupid children. No, seemingly there are many delusional fantastists among the ranks of our otherwise apparently self-respecting adults as well. These adults -for want of a better word- often seek, however, to bring their fantasies into the realm of public policy. Is the increasingly pervasive climate-change-clamour just another of these concocted fantasies?

Certainly Lord Lawson, Margaret Thatcher's celebrated Chancellor, seems to think so. In comments in this weekend's papers, he juxtaposes the, "...colossal cost of the measures being taken to meet the EU's target(s)", with the reasonable assertion that, "...the science of what determines the earth's temperature is far from settled".

That being the case, he asks of politicians a stark presentation of the issues, in those terms, rather than being pushed onto citizens as some kind of phony moral imperative. Yet, all too often, any one questioning the validity of such is branded a heretic by the believers, showing true fantasist intolerance.

This is truly an alarming trend in British politics. Some of the issues with the most invasive societal effects are becoming too risque to be forthrightly debated: Multiculturalism, Immigration, and now Climate Change. Lord Lawson posits, in conclusion, "that in many ways the global warming ideology has filled the vacuum left by the collapse of Marxism: Green is the New Red". Reason to be worried, indeed.

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