Saturday 5 April 2008

Violence, Immigration and Government Incompetence: A note

A map in today's Telegraph has shown just how localized violence, specifically murder, is in London. Fully twenty-three murders have occured in Lambeth; thirteen in Newham; zero in the City. As Harriet Harman's leisurely stroll -in a stab-proof vest- around her constituency shows, areas of London are now virtually no-go areas.

It seems to be both an accepted sociological fact, and intuitively plausible, that stark socio-economic inequalties clustered together in one area almost invariably gives rise to every form of crime, from mugging to murder.

That being the case, one can see the grave consequences of this Labour governments mismanagement of Immigration policy in this country. These boroughs have amongst the highest populations of immigrants; have the most acute social housing shortages; and even before the new zeal with which immigration has been embraced, were boroughs with some of the most troubling social problems of their own.

The immigrants themselves should shoulder little of the blame. It is the incompetence and lack of foresight of this government in their failed immigration policy- or social experiment, if you like, that is the real culprit. Among the obvious practical solutions, the ability to raise this issue without being branded a fascist is now of the utmost importance.

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