Thursday 3 April 2008

Housing, Council Tax and War

Having become suicide-inducingly familiar with Northamptonshire County Councils Housing Strategy Paper -Black and Ethnic Minority Accomadation- one could only, upon reading it, be utterly depressed about the governance this country is shrivelling up under. Consider the following contradictions. Quite rightly, asylum seekers coming to this country, having been approved for asylum, are eligible to apply for housing. No qualms there. But were you aware of the additional costs saddled by councils, imposed by Government edicts, following such housing?

Translations of all documentation according to the pleathora of far-flung languages of said persons. Round-the-clock translators. Hordes of state-mandarins administering all manner of muticulturalism-gone-mad hocus pocus, disguised and distorted under the synthetic Equality banner. All manner of analysis, surveys and all the other general ailments of the bureaucratic tool-kit aimed, speciously, at avoiding discrimination; the latter being particularly ironic insofar as you've literally done the opposite of discrimination in accomadating said people.

How is all this funded? Ever-increasing council-tax bills for the taxpayer (fact!). Let the following be construed as a logical, not a racist point: tax-payers are, in effect, being taxed twice. Once,to provide adequate social housing; twice, to avoid discrimination against said recipients post-housing.

Obviously by this point the argument's potency will have been lost amidst most of your Guardian, pro-nothing, anti-everything (Racism, Obesity, C02, Red Meat, Bull-Fighting, Fox-Hunting, Foie-Gras, Conservative Party, Wealth, Religion, The Daily Telegraph, Children Playing in the Playground, George W. Bush, Free Trade, Responsibility, Strong Policing, A Good clip round the ear for errant childern, etc) red-mist. This has absolutely nothing to do with racism, with prejudice or whatever. It is a simple economic point: this instance of multi-culturalism, specifically the manner in which it is funded, is unfair to the taxpayer.

Let as many truly economically-beneficient immigrants come to this country as are in the queue. Take in all those suffering cruelly under despotic regimes, as should be done in compliance with statutory Human Rights Laws. But let us be cautious otherwise; and if Labour refuses to stop funding Multiculturalism by taxation, let's go to war- metaphorically, of course- sure you're probably against that too, on principle of course.

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